Saturday, November 17th, 2018

ONE-DAY Pre-Conference Program: Specially Designed for Women & KIDS! (MEN ABSOLUTELY WELCOME TO JOIN!)

We are pleased to announce our first collaborative event with Crypto Lady, Crypto Chicks, Ladies Of Ledger, ShEOS, Women of Crypto, and Global Women in Blockchain as we celebrate the global debut of Krypto for Kids. The Montage Laguna Resort has a special childcare program through PAINTBOX, their premier KIDSCLUB which will be available to those wishing to bring their kids. Please notify us in advance, so we can connect you with them directly!

10:30AM-12 NOON: "The Future of Krypto" || KRYPTO 4 KIDS GLOBAL LAUNCH in Partnership with NEM

Our morning session will highlight the best and brightest rising stars of our global blockchain community, starting with our very own Krypto Kids! This session will be educational/ inspirational. ALL WELCOME! 

Join Maxim Sindall (17) flying all the way from the Sultanate of Oman and Arya Sitara Bhardwaj (7) from Palm Beach Gardens are they create a Bitcoin Mining Rig from scratch. We will learn the basics of mining, how it works, and how our audience can do this at home :) 

Mark Price will lead "Intro to Crypto for Families & Kids" and share a special surprise which everyone can download on their phones. We will also hear from Rider Tinsman about his journey into Crypto and a few words from both Deklan Price and Addie Tinholt on some of the interesting initiatives they have been working on over the past few years! 

These sessions will be FILMED so stay tuned for YouTube & Facebook coverage! #K4K #kryptoforkids 

12:00 NOON-2:00PM "BLOCKCHAIN WITHOUT BORDERS" Luncheon featuring Sheila Warren, Head of Blockchain @ The World Economic Forum; Special Remarks from David Moss, Founder of StrongBlock

Learn about what's happening in the world of blockchain from one of the best blockchain mamma's we know! Sheila will talk to us about a range of topics ranging from blockchain in Emerging Markets, regulations, impact stories where women are leading the way across boundaries and the economies that have been transformed as a result. We will have experts from various partners around the globe joining us for this interactive luncheon so get prepared to expand your mind and the possibilities on how we can all create a better future starting today!

2:30PM-3:45PM "TOOLS, TRICKS, and TIPS From The CRYPTO CHICKS" - Interactive Session & Deep Dive Financial Literacy into the world of CryptoCurrency

Our featured program partner, CRYPTO CHICKS has been leading the way globally for educating women about crypto since June 2017 and now has chapters across Canada, Bulgaria, Russia, Pakistan, and the Bahamas. We are so delighted to have them leading us in a special session in what YOU NEED TO KNOW about this rapidly moving space. Basics on wallets, crypto literacy, and the tools you need to get started and what you need to know about the fast moving realm of digital money. 

4:15PM-6:30PM: "Launch Your Own ICO - Create Your Own Coin" with Zarah Tinholt - For those of you hands on learners, this session is specially designed for YOU! We will also teach you the basics of KYC/AML and why this is ever so critical in the world of cryptocurrency. Special commentary for our experts who have invested in ICO's, what makes them special, DO's & DON'T and anything else you may want to know! There are a number of women who are leaders in this space who will be joining us to share their special insights and you will have plenty of time to learn more over the course of the next few days and of course, over our SPECIAL WELCOME DINNER for all attendees!!

7PM-8:30PM: "WELCOME DINNER & TRIBUTE TO WOMEN IN BLOCKCHAIN & CRYPTO": Main conference SPONSORS & PARTNERS will be invited to join us for this special evening celebrating the BEST of US in Blockchain! The women who make it happen & the men who have supported us along the way. We know who YOU are and WE CAN'T WAIT to share more about your great work through all of our global social media channels. Bring your mobile devices, we certainly will and have lots of coverage on all of you who are making this industry more BEAUTIFUL for sure!!   

8:30PM-MidnightS'MORES by the Sea & Lobby Bar - ALL WELCOME!

Sunday, November 18th, 2018 


We have a number of international guests arriving early to join us in Laguna Beach, so we’ve created a program that will hopefully ease jet-lag while giving our local attendees a great opportunity to rest and relax before the Holidays. Upon arrival, our global blockchain family will explore secret natural gems only known to Laguna Beach natives. We will have a special KRYPTO FOR KIDS Program at the hotel during the day for those who will be travelling with their families. Blockchain on the Beach is one of the few crypto conferences you will WANT to bring your children – we for sure will be bringing ours!!! Stay tuned forr more information on KRYPTO FOR KIDS!


We will be recording Podcasts & Video interviews produced and broadcasted by our Krypto KIDS throughout the day on Sunday, November 18th.  Those registered are all invited to participate. We will be finalizing our schedule on Saturday, November 17th!

For those interested in a nature walk before sunset, we invite you to join us for a guided hike at Laguna’s Top of The World Park leaving the hotel at 4:00PM. Children are welcome and highly encouraged to join! We will return to the hotel for a welcome dinner starting at 7:30PM, where we will kick off our programming for Monday’s Program focusing on Blockchain 4 Good & Tuesday’s Program focusing on “Financing Our Future” where we will be joined by family offices and institutional investors from across Southern California and other parts of the globe.

Monday, November 19th 2018

"FUNDING OUR FUTURE with a focus on Family Offices & Institutional Investors"

11:00-12:00PM | “Crypto Regulatory Frameworks & Blockchain Basics for Making Better Legislative Decisions led by Rachel Payne, Founder of FEM INC & Veronica Reynolds, Women in Blockchain - LA Chapter. Other Panelists include Dr. Michele Goodwin (Chancellor's Professor, UCI Law School & Stephen Meade, Founder of Beverly Hills Blockchain

We will be having an open discussions on various topics offering balanced perspectives on some of the most promising technologies in 2018 & beyond. You will walk away from this session with a fundamental tool-kit of how to prepare for our future while growing your network of blockchain and crypto experts who will be great resources as you deepen your expertise on how this will affect our future generations. This session will also provide a greater understanding of how cryptocurrency can be used to fund political campaigns. Topics include: 

  • How governments are implementing blockchain solutions and perspectives on global government adoption of blockchain for specific case studies 

  • Important takeaways that government entities moving forward should consider before launching blockchain initiatives

  • Blockchain and crypto-specific regulatory environment and considerations

  • Politics and cryptocurrency (e.g., political contributions using crypto, FEC rules, etc.)

 12:30-2:00PM | Plated Luncheon + Networking in the Courtyard 

 2:00PM-2:45PM|  Joe Stolte, Full Cycle Fund, "Climate Change, Blockchain Solutions, & Beyond"

2:45PM-3:15PM|  Coffee Break

3:15PM-4:00PM Blockchain 2023 with Alexandra Tinsman, NEM - What will our world look like 5 years from now and how will the technologies funded today serve as the framework for our future.   

4:00PM-5:00PM || Blockchain For Impact DIALOGUE with select investors & companies with a special focus on UN SDG’S  addressing poverty alleviation, climate change, and economic prosperity for all by 2030.

5:00-5:30PM || Fundraising with "TOQUITY in 2019" - New Modalities for Accessing Capital led by Stephen Meade

5:30-8:30PM: Beverly Hills Blockchain Closing Cocktails: Co-hosted by our dearest friends from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Malibu, and Orange County.